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The First Implantable Artificial Kidney Invention: Putting an End to Kidney Failure Patients' Suffering


Exclusively on ZL7T Blog, the unveiling of a preliminary model of the first implantable artificial kidney has taken place. This remarkable achievement has been awarded by the "Kidney X" foundation, an institution affiliated with the US Department of Health and the American Kidney Association. The foundation supports inventions that enhance human health, improve kidney disease prevention, and treatment.
The invention of the first implantable artificial kidney that ends the suffering of patients with renal failure
The First Implantable Artificial Kidney Invention: Putting an End to Kidney Failure Patients' Suffering

What Constitutes the First Artificial Kidney Project?

The project of the first implantable kidney is the result of a collaboration between the University of California and Vanderbilt University in the United States. The artificial kidney project comprises two main components: the "blood filter" and the "bioreactor." Together, they create an implantable unit the size of a small mobile phone, capable of filtering blood.

The research teams from both universities successfully integrated these units into a small implantable device, which was tested for effectiveness through numerous clinical trials. Remarkably, this approach has demonstrated its efficiency without the need for blood thinners or immune-suppressing medications.

Global Significance of the Artificial Kidney Invention

The implantable artificial kidney project holds substantial global significance. It is set to serve a large number of kidney patients who regularly undergo the discomfort of visiting dialysis centers. This invention will spare them the pain and inconvenience they endure during each session. Moreover, it provides a viable alternative to kidney donation and transplantation procedures.

The invention of the implantable artificial kidney presents a groundbreaking advancement that could revolutionize the lives of kidney failure patients worldwide.